Results for 'jang qied'Results for 'jang qied'

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jang qied / cang: chiet / cang chied /tɕaŋ tɕʰɛt/  vi. ခုန်ဆွခုန်ဆွလုပ်- 蹦蹦跳跳 bèngbengtiàotiao jump around, prance and scamper about.   jāng jōd, jang qed, qang qed, qeng qed [var.] / cang cawd, cang: cheut, chang: cheut, cheung: cheut.  dāing3, kong koh, njao, nkraoh, nkreh1, puih, si ndōud, taing, tiao [syn.] / taing3, khawng: khawh, jao:, grhaoh, grheuh1, phuih, sidod, thaing:, thiao:.

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